Code Pattern Matching

Code as Data, in a Statically Typed Setting

We have seen that metaprogramming in Squid is statically typed and prevents the occurrence of type mismatches or unbound variable errors, in the tradition of MetaML. On the other hand, in the tradition of Lisp, Squid views code as (executable) data that one can inspect (or analyse) and rewrite. This is made possible in a type-safe way by statically tracking context requirements, as presented in the previous section.

The functional way of analyzing data and extracting patterns from it is to use pattern matching. In Squid, one can pattern-match program fragments just like one pattern-matches data. Holes in patterns behave like extractors, allowing programmers to take apart code expressions:

scala> val pgrm = code"readInt * 2 + 1"
pgrm: IR.ClosedCode[Int] = code"scala.Predef.readInt().*(2).+(1)"

scala> val m = pgrm match { case code"($n: Int) + 1" => n }
m: IR.Code[Int,Any] = code"scala.Predef.readInt().*(2)"

scala> val code"($m: Int) + 1" = pgrm
m: IR.Code[Int,Any] = code"scala.Predef.readInt().*(2)"

(In the code above, the second REPL line is equivalent to the first one, using Scala syntactic sugar.)

Pattern-matching is sensitive to contexts. For example, extracting a subterm in a context where a binding exists will give to the extracted subterm a type that reflects the potential dependency:

val funBody = code"(x: Int) => x + 1" match { case code"($y: Int) => $b" => b }

The code above matches a lambda that binds some parameter y of type Int in some body b; it extracts two values: y of type Variable[Int] and b of type Code[Int, y.Ctx]. Variable is a type that represents first-class variable symbols; for more information about it, see this section.

Note that since y is only defined withing the pattern matching branch, the type inferred by Scala for funBody, which is dependent on y, is an existential:

scala> funBody
res0: IR.Code[Int,y.Ctx] forSome { val y: IR.Variable[Int]{type OuterCtx = Any} } = code"x@5872514f.+(1)"

In practice, we will avoid losing track of the variables our code values depend upon, as above, because existentials in Scala are not very useful.

Note: by now, it should be clear that the names of bound variable do not matter ― we extracted function body b using y as the parameter, even though the code we matched was written using a parameter named x.

Just like Const can be used to construct constants into code by lifting current-stage values, we can also use it to extract constant current-stage values:

scala> funBody match { case code"($z: Int) + (${Const(k)}: Int)" => k }
res1: Int = 1

In the examples above, it is necessary to provide the type of extracted terms, because the + operation in Scala is ad-hoc polymorphic. Writing a pattern like case code"($x: Long) * $y" will give us an error such as:

ambiguous reference to overloaded definition,
both method * in class Long of type (x: Char)Long
and  method * in class Long of type (x: Byte)Long
match argument types (Nothing)

Caveat: Because of the infamous any2stringadd implicit conversion, syntax code"($x: Int) + $y" will make Scala think that y has type String and + is string concatenation…

Note on Parametric Polymorphism

In general, to use a non-concrete type T within a quasiquote, one has to provide an implicit type representation evidence, of type CodeType[T]. For example, the mkEmpty function below returns a program that builds an empty list for any given type T:

scala> def mkEmpty[T](implicit ev: CodeType[T]) = code"List.empty[T]"
mkEmpty: [T](implicit ev: IR.Predef.CodeType[T])IR.ClosedCode[List[T]]

scala> mkEmpty[Option[Int]]
res2: IR.ClosedCode[List[Option[Int]]] = code"scala.collection.immutable.List.empty[scala.Option[scala.Int]]"

As we can see, Option[Int] is persisted in the resulting code fragment (it is not erased). This is because code fragments are internally typed in addition to being statically typed ― they carry type representations at runtime, which is necessary for precise pattern matching.

Note that Scala also provides the equivalent shortcut syntax for passing implicit evidence:

def mkEmpty[T:CodeType] = code"List.empty[T]"

Note for advanced users: it is sometimes possible to retrieve type representations from existing code values so that no implicit type evidence is needed. Below is an example:

def mkSingle[T,C](x: Code[T,C]) = code"List[${x.Typ}](${x.withUnderlyingTyp})"

Because Code is covariant, but CodeType is invariant, the type representation stored inside a term x of type Code[T,C] does not necessarily have type CodeType[T]; instead, in general it will have type CodeType[T0] for some T0 <: T. This T0 can be referred to as x.Typ. In the above, x has type Code[T,C] but a Code[x.Typ,C] is required, which can be obtained by calling x.withUnderlyingTyp.

Matching Types

In order to make code manipulation polymorphic, we need a way to extract types as well as values. This is done with a similar syntax. Consider the following rewriting, which implements β-reduction (lambda application inlining):

def beta[T:CodeType,C](x: Code[T,C]) = x match {
  case code"(($v: $t) => $body: T)($a)" => body.subs(v) ~> a
scala> beta(code"((x: Int) => x + x + 1)(readInt)")
res3: IR.Code[Int,Any] = code"scala.Predef.readInt().+(scala.Predef.readInt()).+(1)"

In the right-hand side of this case expression, extracted value body has type Code[T, C & v.Ctx] (see the tutorial section on contexts to understand this syntax), and extracted variable v has type Variable[t.Typ] where t is the local extracted type representation extracted from the pattern. Note that t is a value representing a type, not a type per se. So one cannot write Option[Code[t,C]], for example; instead one has to write Option[Code[t.Typ,C]] where path-dependent type t.Typ reflects in the type system what t represents at runtime, a.k.a what t reifies. Perhaps paradoxically, t can be viewed as having type t: CodeType[t.Typ].

Thanks to an implicit macro provided by Squid, extracted types will be picked up automatically from the context in which they appear and used as implicit type representation evidence.

Note: Of course, in the presence of effects, the β-reduction above is unsound as it duplicates the argument. An alternative implementation could be:

def beta[T:CodeType,C](x: Code[T,C]) = x match {
  case code"(($v: $t) => $body: T)($a)" => code"val $v = $a; $body" // theoretically equivalent
scala> beta(code"((x: Int) => x + x + 1)(readInt)")
res4: IR.Code[Int,Any] =
  val x_0 = scala.Predef.readInt();

Another way of avoiding the problem with code duplication would be to use an ANF IR (see reference on intermediatde representation), in which every non-trivial subexpressions is bound to a temporary values, so this problem would not exist.

Comparing Types and Terms

Squid provides a way of comparing program framents and their type representations for equivalence and subtyping. This is done with the =~= and <:< functions respectively, as demonstrated below:

scala> code"val x = 0; x+1" =~= code"val y = 0; y+1"
res5: Boolean = true

scala> code"List(1,2,3)".Typ <:< codeTypeOf[List[AnyVal]]
res6: Boolean = true

Pattern matching can also make subtyping hypotheses about extracted terms, which is sometimes required for making a pattern type check. This is done with the $t where (t <:< ...) and $t where (... <:< t) syntaxes, as below:

scala> def test[T:CodeType,C](cde: Code[T,C]) = cde match {
     |   case code"($self: Option[$t where (t <:< T)]).getOrElse[T]($other)" =>
     |     code"$self.fold($other)(identity)"
     |   case _ => cde
     | }
test: [T, C](cde: IR.Predef.Code[T,C])(implicit evidence$1: IR.Predef.CodeType[T])IR.Code[T,C]

scala> test(code"Some(1).getOrElse[Any]('ko)")
res7: IR.Code[Any,Any] = code"""scala.Some.apply[scala.Int](1).fold[scala.Any](scala.Symbol.apply("ko"))(((x_0: scala.Int) => scala.Predef.identity[scala.Int](x_0)))"""

(In Scala’s Option[A] class, method getOrElse has type [B >: A](default: => B): B.)

Caveat: currently, these type bounds are not dynamically checked, so you will need to check them manually if necessary, as in:

  case code"$cde: $t where (t <:< List[Any])" =>  // wrong, cf. current limitation
  case code"$cde: $t where (t <:< List[Any])" if t <:< codeTypeOf[List[Any]] => // ok

Note on the Legacy Nominal Context System

Squid will let you match binding without extracting a first-class Variable value, as in the following:

scala> val funBody = code"(x: Int) => x + 1" match { case code"(y: Int) => $b" => b }
funBody: IR.Code[Int,Any{val y: Int}] = code"?y.+(1)"

This works, and results in an open term whose context is a structural type {val y: Int}, which can be bound later:

scala> code"List(1,2,3).foreach(y => println($funBody))"
res8: IR.ClosedCode[Unit] = code"scala.collection.immutable.List.apply[scala.Int](1, 2, 3).foreach[scala.Unit](((y_0: scala.Int) => scala.Predef.println(y_0.+(1))))"

In fact, you can even create such open terms manually, using the ?y syntax:

scala> assert(funBody =~= code"(?y:Int) + 1")

However, this approach is strongly discouraged, as it is not hygienic. Indeed, combined with context abstraction, it can lead to type mismatches in generated code (for details on this, see our POPL 2018 paper [3]).

Some properties of contexts as structural types: Squid quasiquotes will on occasion “merge” types together using intersection types (in current Scala, written using with). We have C{val x: A; val y: Int} with D{val x: B} equivalent to (C with D){val x: A with B; val y: Int}. Also, double refinement C{val x: A}{val y: B} is just C{val x: A; val y: B}.