Code Rewriting

In the previous section, we saw how to pattern match individual code fragments. We can use the same syntax to do something more interesting: automatically rewrite all subexpressions of a given program. A rewrite rule is a code"pattern" => rewritten code pair that will be matched and applied to each subexpression of an input program. Therefore, it has to behave polymorphically with respect to the way it handles contexts…

Reminder on Context Polymorphism

We have seen that context requirements are encoded using Scala intersection types, and that context types could be abstracted as type parameters. For instance, one can define:

val s = Variable[String]
def intro[C](n: Code[Int, C]) = code"$s * $n"
def outro[C](q: Code[String, C & s.Ctx]) = code"{($s) => $q}"

(To learn more about Variable, see this section.)

Function intro reuses term n of context C and introduces a free variable s, yielding context Code[String, C{val s: String}]. On the other hand, outro takes a term q of context C extended with s: String and captures that variable by constructing a bigger term and inserting q in a context where y is defined.

Here are a few usage examples:

scala> { val x = Variable[Int]
     |   val a = code"1 + $x"
     |   val b = intro[x.Ctx](a)
     |   val c = outro[x.Ctx](b) // type arguments cannot be inferred
     |   code"val $x = 3; $c".run.apply("test!") }
res0: String = test!test!test!test!

Rewrite Rules

To transform a term t, one can use the following syntax:

t rewrite {
  case code"..." => code1
  case code"..." => code2

rewrite is a macro that makes sure each case only rewrites its pattern to a term with the same type. The context of terms extracted from rewrite rule patterns are freshly-generated types of the form <context @ l:c>, where l is the line and c is the column of the case corresponding to the rule.

In case the context on the right-hand of a case side is more restrictive than the context of the pattern, the result of the rewriting will be associated with a context capturing those extra requirements. For example, notice how the result of the rewriting below has type Code[Unit,d.Ctx] whereas the original term had type Code[Unit,Any]. This is because we have introduced a free variable in the right-hand side of the rewrite rule.

scala> val d = Variable[Double]
d: IR.Variable[Double] = Variable[Double](d@a1506c6)

scala> code"val x = 42; println(x.toDouble)" rewrite {
     |   case code"($n:Int).toDouble" => code"$d + 1" }
res1: IR.Code[Unit,d.Ctx] =
  val x_0 = 42;

In the code above, the type of extracted term n is Code[Double,<context @ 1:16>] and the type of the rewritten term code"$d + 1" has its context requirement refined as Code[Double,<context @ 1:y> & d.Ctx].

Fixed Point and Top-Down Rewriting

A similar macro, fix_rewrite, does the same as rewrite but applies the rewriting over and over again until the program stops changing (it reaches a fixed point).

By default, rewrite and fix_rewrite rewrites terms in a bottom-up fashion. Top-down variants are also available as topDown_rewrite and fix_topDown_rewrite, respectively.

Limitations and Caveats

Beware of the power of rewrite_fix and fix_topDown_rewrite, which may expand a term unboundedly and diverge (triggering a recursion limit).

In some cases, even topDown_rewrite may introduce non-termination, as the rewriting is done in recrusive a top-down traversal order ― if the rewritten term grows in size and is admissible to be transformed again, the rewriting may diverge. Online normalization (such as automatic ANF conversion) may also sometimes trigger this problem in surprising ways. (See this issue, for example.)

See the transformers documentation if you want more control over transformations, and to be able to define more precise optimization passes.

The Power Functions Again!

We are now equipped to write an optimization pass that will transform any program, rewriting calls to Math.pow(x,n) to a more efficient sequence of multiplications in the case where n is a small constant integer. We make use of the context-polymorphic power function defined in the section on multi-stage programming.

def opt[T,C](pgrm: Code[T,C]): Code[T,C] = pgrm rewrite {
  case code"Math.pow($x, ${Const(d)})"
  if d.isValidInt && (0 to 16 contains d.toInt)
  => power(d.toInt, code"$x")

The condition guard for this rewriting to apply is that the extracted constant d should be a valid 32-bit integer (Int in Scala), and that it should be in the range 0 to 16. For example:

scala> opt(code{ val x = readInt; println(Math.pow(x,4)) })
res2: IR.Predef.Code[Unit,Any] =
  val x_0 = scala.Predef.readInt();

For completeness, we show below a self-contained version of opt, that uses a for loop to build the resulting of the rewrite rule. It demonstrates that indeed any staged computation can happen on the right-hand side of a rewriting, combining the powers of rule-based program rewriting with multi-stage programming. This implementation also let-binds the base argument to pow so as to avoid potential code duplication.

def opt[T,C](pgrm: Code[T,C]): Code[T,C] = pgrm rewrite {
  case code"Math.pow($x, ${Const(d)})"
  if d.isValidInt && (0 to 16 contains d.toInt)
    val xv = Variable[Double]
    var acc = code"1.0" withContextOf xv
    for (n <- 1 to d.toInt) acc = code"$acc * $xv"
    code"val $xv = $x; $acc"

We use helper method withContextOf to type code"1.0" as Code[Double,xv.Ctx] (it is equivalent to code"1.0" : Code[Double,xv.Ctx]) so that we can later assign code"$acc * $x" to it in the loop – otherwise, the variable would have an incompatible type and Scala would reject the assignment. This helper method can also be applied to code values, so code"1.0" withContextOf x would be given type Code[Double,<context @ 2:16>].

Let us now try out our optimization!

scala> import Math._
import Math._

scala> val normCode = opt(code{ (x:Double,y:Double) => sqrt(pow(x,2) + pow(y,2)) })
normCode: IR.Predef.Code[(Double, Double) => Double,Any] =
code"""((x_0: scala.Double, y_1: scala.Double) => java.lang.Math.sqrt(({
  val xv_2 = x_0;
  val xv_3 = y_1;

scala> val norm = normCode.compile
norm: (Double, Double) => Double = __wrapper$7$d1d3c2613a4c4a6e8aa86386aaa68423.__wrapper$7$d1d3c2613a4c4a6e8aa86386aaa68423$$$Lambda$6445/1995034433@69904887

scala> norm(1,2)
res3: Double = 2.23606797749979

The full code demonstrating this example is available in the squid/example project.

Note on Intermediate Representations

Depending on one’s use cases, the power of rewrite rules can be multiplied by using an intermediate representation with desirable properties. For example, when using an ANF IR (see the reference on intermediate representation), we do not need to worry about code duplication, and defensive let-binding of extracted programs as done above becomes unnecessary. For more on this, see our GPCE 2017 paper [2].